A Letter to You
Making a Career Transition Decision or Trying to Resolve a Relationship Conflict is hard!
Have you ever felt the weight of career burnout, struggled with finding work-life-balance, compiled to complete to-do lists so you can enjoy your life better but somehow the to-do lists seemed never ending? Have you found yourself tangled in complicated relationships, not knowing whether you should continue or call it off? You're not alone! I’ve been there too! My journey transition into a fulfilling second career and rebuild and continue building meaningful relationships has given me the fundamental skills and strategies to support you--so you don't have to struggle so long or felt helpless. Let’s navigate this together and find the balance you deserve!
No one grew up in a 100% perfect environment or with a naturally struggle-free life! So don't feel bad or embarrassed about things that have happened to you or things you've done when you had no better choices. However, it's fortunate that now you can make a conscious and responsible choice to start reflecting on your life. Let's take a pause to think, you are not your life choices, but rather, you are what you believe in. You are the unique you and you have your value or strengths in you when you were born.
Maybe you felt something needs to be adjusted or something was missing in life after you've followed the path your family wanted you to take? Maybe you been telling yourself that you should be grateful that you have a stable job with a decent pay? Maybe you wondered about the meaning in life and how to live a fulfilled life? I will support you with my knowledge to "hit the reset button" and "breaking free" from a system that no longer serves you. I have all the hands-on tips to support you in getting to where you truly want in your life! Let's find your path leading to your authentic self together !​
The only person can give yourself the permission to reconnect with your true self is !​
--Chao Zhao, LMFT, ATR